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Survey Of The Day
FDA proposes putting nutrition info on the front of food packages
1. The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday proposed a new rule for nutrition labels on packaged food and drinks that's intended to help Americans make healthier choices at a glance. Do you typically look at the nutrition labels of packaged food that you buy?

2. Under the new rule, which shoppers could see as early as 2028, food manufacturers will be required to display levels of saturated fat, sodium and added sugar on the front of the packaging, in addition to the standard nutrition labels on the back. Packaged foods in the U.S. often come with a number of health and nutrition claims, which can make it confusing for consumers to know what's good or bad for them, said Lindsey Smith Taillie, a nutrition epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health. Do you agree that levels of saturated fat, sodium and added sugar should be displayed on the front of food packages?

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