Online Survey Finds 85% Believe Amy Chua’s New Book "The Triple Package" is Controversial.
A Tellwut online survey found that 85% of over 1,200 decided online panelists believe that Amy Chua’s new co-authored book ‘The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits Explain The Rise And Fall of Cultural Groups In America’ which claims superiority of certain groups, controversial.
Amy Chua, author of the controversial book ‘Tiger Mom’ once again makes headlines for the assertions made in her new book ‘The Triple Package’, which 85% of voters viewed as stereotyping cultural groups an online survey titled: Amy Chua Stirs Controversy With New Book finds. In Chua’s book she claims that 8 identifiable cultural groups within America are more superior to other cultural groups. The cultural groups Chua identifies as being superior are: Jewish, Indian, Chinese, Iranian, Lebanese-American, Nigerians, Cuban Exiles and Mormons. According to Chua, these 8 cultural groups are believed to posses three factors: Superiority Complex, Insecurity and Impulse Control and that these are driving forces to these cultural groups being more superior and likely to succeed within American society in comparison to other cultures.
The claims made throughout Amy Chua’s book, "The Triple Package" have been viewed as offensive and controversial and have spurred outrage amongst critics and individuals who do not belong to the cultural groups specified, Tellwut reached out to its online panel base to determine public sentiment with the statements made in this book. The results of the online survey: Amy Chua Stirs Controversy With New Book revealed that 62% of voters do not believe that the eight cultural groups identified by Chua are more superior to other cultural groups. In contrast, 5% believe that the eight cultural groups mentioned are more superior, while 10% of voters felt that some of the cultural groups identified are more superior. Standing in the middle ground, 23% of voters were undecided about their position on the situation.
When asked whether Tellwut panel members fell into one of the cultural groups that Chua identifies as superior, surveys results revealed that only 15% belonged to one of the groups deemed superior by Chua. Interestingly, 47% of this segment polled did not feel that they were more superior while 26% either felt they or some of the groups identified were superior. 26% were undecided.
Though only 6% of Tellwut’s online panel members were interested in purchasing the book; one member wrote; "If the book is based on studies that have been done I'd be interested in seeing where they got their info from." Whether or not individuals choose to purchase this book, it is sure to get under the skin of many people, as it examines the notion of human superiority; a hot topic of debate for centuries.