The age where life, money and the future start to feel "real" is officially 27 years old, according to new research. Did life/the future start to feel more real to you at age 27?
Yes, about then
565 votes
No, before 27
1137 votes
No, after 27
598 votes
Moving out of their parents' or guardians' house (46%) is one of the top events that made Americans feel like an adult. Did you feel like an adult when you moved out of your parents' house?
1379 votes
389 votes
296 votes
Not Applicable
236 votes
The survey also asked Americans a few hypothetical questions and found that finances are certainly top of mind. If they were given an additional $1,000, the majority (60%) would put it all in their savings account. Another 14% are equally likely to put that money into their 401(k) or to go on a nice vacation. If you were given an additional $1000, what would you do with it?
Put it in savings
954 votes
Put it towards debt
522 votes
Put it in my 401 (k) / RRSP
123 votes
Go on vacation
110 votes
Buy something I need for my house/household
213 votes
Buy things for myself
59 votes
266 votes
Other (please specify)
53 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.70% 16
Invest it 0.09% 2
purchase a new phone and laptop 0.04% 1
deposit 70% and spend the other 30% 0.04% 1
Store half in a box hidden away and half in a bank account and see what happens with the global economy in the coming months? Sounds right to me! 0.04% 1
save money at home 0.04% 1
Savings and debt 0.04% 1
27 was a long time ago for me. does not matter now. 0.04% 1
Use it for Christmas presents for my kids 0.04% 1
Probably split it into savings & a luxury. 0.04% 1
Half to buy things in my house and save a little bit and 300 to pay down debt. 0.04% 1
Use it toward monthly expenses. 0.04% 1
Buy toys. 0.04% 1
R 0.04% 1
Put half on debt and save the other half 0.04% 1
I would split it between savings and buying something for my household. 0.04% 1
combination of these 0.04% 1
split it into different groups, as pay off some bills, spend some on myself, and buy things for the household, and put a bit into savings. $1,000 is NOT very much any more. 0.04% 1
A little in savings, a little for me, a little towards debt, a little towards charity 0.04% 1
Put kerosene in my barrel,it's starting to cool off nights & mornings now in Maine. 0.04% 1
Donate 10% to charity, spend some and save some for rainy day/ 0.04% 1
Buy groceries; mostly meats and fish. It's been so long since we could afford more than hamburger but even that is so expensive. I can no longer buy in bulk. It's 1 or 2 canned goods items a month, not 12 like "yesterday." 0.04% 1
put half in savings and spend half on something I needed 0.04% 1
First, pay ALL taxes right off the top. Then put 1/2 in savings or somewhere else SAFE. Discuss with spouse how to spend the remainder. 0.04% 1
na 0.04% 1
donate to charity 0.04% 1
Invest in physical silver 0.04% 1
Invest--and I don't have a 401(k) account 0.04% 1
Give to my daughter 0.04% 1
Use it to help others I currently support 0.04% 1
Pay off debt with $500 and save the other $500. 0.04% 1
... 0.04% 1
split it up among multiple of the above options 0.04% 1
Invest in the stock market 0.04% 1
Multiple listed above 0.04% 1
silver 0.04% 1
A combination of a few of these. Save, put toward debt, get something for my house 0.04% 1
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