A future Conservative government would change the law to require that porn websites verify the age of users to prevent minors from accessing the content, Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre signalled on Wednesday. When asked whether his government would require that porn websites verify the age of users, Poilievre gave a one-word answer: "Yes." Do you agree with a law to require that porn websites verify the age of users to prevent minors from accessing the content?
571 votes
117 votes
177 votes
The Tories are sponsoring and supporting a Senate private member's bill that promises to require age verification for people to access pornography online. Bill S-210 passed in the Senate in the spring and New Democrats, Bloc Quebecois and Conservative MPs voted to send it to a House of Commons committee for study. No such meetings have been scheduled yet. The proposed law would compel websites to verify users' ages before allowing them to access sexually explicit content, and it would penalize sites that don't comply. But it does not specify how that would be done. Options could include the use of a digital government ID, as some U.S. states have legislated, or services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person's face. Such suggestions have prompted widespread concern from privacy experts about their overarching impacts. Would you be concerned for your privacy if such laws starting becoming normalized for any site with adult content (including sites for alcohol, cannabis etc) ?
238 votes
I don't use 18+ sites but would be concerned for others privacy
213 votes
No, I don't use any site that is 18+
229 votes
No, I do use 18+ sites but I am not concerned for my privacy
160 votes
Other (please specify)
25 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
1.73% 15
... 0.12% 1
No, I don't use 18+ sites and would not be concerned for others privacy. 0.12% 1
How about a simple no without editorializing? 0.12% 1
i dont know 0.12% 1
I would be concerned with underage kids being 'scanned'. This should NOT be a 'thing'. 0.12% 1
Suggestions ie pornography sites are very deceptive online. Adult content only should not be seen by -18 years; privacy on internet sites aren’t guaranteed; a bill to discourage curiousness of younger youth of any age is important. 0.12% 1
No 0.12% 1
If you want to use these sites you will have to do whatever they want 0.12% 1
I do not use those type of websites myself but would prefer some kind of measure to keep teens and younger out of them whether they try to get in them deliberately or accidentally. 0.12% 1
No concerns 0.12% 1
Knowing that Pierre Poilievre said his government would require that porn websites verify the age of users, does this make you more or less likely to vote for him?
More likely
193 votes
Less likely
127 votes
399 votes
Not Applicable
146 votes
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