In four separate but similar cases filed Wednesday in Ontario's Superior Court of Justice, the public boards in Toronto, Peel and Ottawa and the Toronto Catholic board allege the popular social media platforms Snapchat, TikTok and Meta, were "designed for compulsive use (and) have rewired the way children think, behave, and learn" and are calling on the companies to make improvements, say their statements of claim. Which do you agree with?
These platforms were designed for compulsive use
119 votes
These platforms have rewired the way children think, behave, and learn
107 votes
481 votes
178 votes
Who do you think should be responsible for this issue in general?
The social media platforms
375 votes
The parents
341 votes
The schools
94 votes
Other (please specify)
75 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
2.03% 18
All of the above 1.58% 14
All 0.23% 2
all of them 0.23% 2
everyone 0.23% 2
Don't know 0.23% 2
The kids 0.23% 2
All the above 0.11% 1
Platforms and parents, but esp parents 0.11% 1
n/a 0.11% 1
no one 0.11% 1
everyone involved 0.11% 1
All the above specially the social media platforms 0.11% 1
parents & social media 0.11% 1
Everyone should be included here except the social medial platforms 0.11% 1
All of the above. 0.11% 1
All of the above to one degree or another... 0.11% 1
Parents are responsible to monitor what their children are doing on social media and the media should be responsible enough to ensure suitable content is made available to the children 0.11% 1
Social media platforms and parents. 0.11% 1
Everyone should be more aware of what behaviours lead to what mental issues. 0.11% 1
The body that governs these sites 0.11% 1
All above 0.11% 1
Government 0.11% 1
All of the above have responsibilities. 0.11% 1
The student 0.11% 1
The social media platforms & The parents 0.11% 1
... 0.11% 1
unknown 0.11% 1
It isn't an issue to begin with. It is not difficult to monitor children's use of social media. Access should be outlawed at school and restricted at home. 0.11% 1
Everybody especially parents of children and youth 0.11% 1
Parents and Sociak Media platforms 0.11% 1
dont know 0.11% 1
All three 0.11% 1
It is a combination of all, parents provide the devices, etc. 0.11% 1
parents AND students 0.11% 1
Everyone involved!! 0.11% 1
All the above, but creators of platforms should foot the bill (literally) to help children re. what they have gotten people into via compulsive use. The children & parents just end to take responsibility & commit to help that is offered. 0.11% 1
I don't know 0.11% 1
Government should Ban things like this 0.11% 1
Both the parents and the platforms. Mainly the parents 0.11% 1
About 500 school districts in the U.S. have launched similar cases now making their way through the courts, as have some states. Do you think any of these lawsuits against Meta, TikTok or Snapchat will be successful?
187 votes
291 votes
407 votes
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