Do you eat like the Mediterranean diet?
Yes, pretty closely
211 votes
Yes, some or a bit
639 votes
Not really but I want to try it
450 votes
No and I'm not interested
970 votes
Other (please specify)
30 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.74% 17
na 0.09% 2
not familiar with this diet, doing my own and it works 0.04% 1
I like Mediterranean foods... but not the healthy ones... 0.04% 1
have no idea what it is 0.04% 1
No but I do love Mediterranean food. 0.04% 1
I have diverticulitis, and a lot of the recommended items on the suggested list of things to eat, would be deadly for my condition 0.04% 1
vegetarian 0.04% 1
Carpatho Rusyn DIET 0.04% 1
Only if they have a vegan or vegetarian version. 0.04% 1
It all seems good except for the fish. The only fish I'll eat is tuna. 0.04% 1
if i could afford it every day I would....i don't eat a lot of red meat and try to be conscious of what i do eat 0.04% 1
I have food allergies so I need to be careful what I eat 0.04% 1
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