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Results: RIP: Stephen Ivens **warning: actual newspaper write up, graphic**

Published on 08/23/2016
By: ptajuggalette
At 8pm, July 30, 2012, a pair of hikers in the foothills above Burbank, California came upon a foul odor. In the brush behind St. Francis of Xavier Catholic Church, they discovered the remains of a man. The initial investigation by the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office indicates that the hikers had stumbled upon Stephen Ivens. Near his body death scene investigators recovered a handgun. Stephen Ivens, a 35-year-old FBI agent assigned to the Los Angeles Field Division, had been missing since he walked away from his Burbank home on the morning of May 11, 2012. Blood hounds had traced his scent to the Verdugo Mountains where a search party of FBI agents, local police, and volunteers had looked for him. A married father of a 2-year-old son, Ivens had been an FBI agent a little more than three years. Before going into the bureau he had been a Los Angeles police officer. The white, 6 foot, 160 pound bespectacled agent had worked on counterterrorism cases. Because his FBI-issued revolver had been taken from the house, Ivens was presumed armed when he walked off that morning. -When Stephen was missing my son and I talked and talked about this case, how his aged looks matched his wife's description of him upset and depressed. We assumed that he killed himself up at the church because he felt guilty about something, but turns out there was more information that was never released. Do you remember this story?
At 8pm, July 30, 2012, a pair of hikers in the foothills above Burbank, California came upon a foul odor. In the brush behind St. Francis of Xavier Catholic Church, they discovered the remains of a man. The initial investigation by the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office indicates that the hikers had stumbled upon Stephen Ivens. Near his body death scene investigators recovered a handgun. Stephen Ivens, a 35-year-old FBI agent assigned to the Los Angeles Field Division, had been missing since he walked away from his Burbank home on the morning of May 11, 2012. Blood hounds had traced his scent to the Verdugo Mountains where a search party of FBI agents, local police, and volunteers had looked for him. A married father of a 2-year-old son, Ivens had been an FBI agent a little more than three years. Before going into the bureau he had been a Los Angeles police officer. The white, 6 foot, 160 pound bespectacled agent had worked on counterterrorism cases. Because his FBI-issued revolver had been taken from the house, Ivens was presumed armed when he walked off that morning. -When Stephen was missing my son and I talked and talked about this case, how his aged looks matched his wife's description of him upset and depressed. We assumed that he killed himself up at the church because he felt guilty about something, but turns out there was more information that was never released. Do you remember this story?
126 votes
1745 votes
Not Applicable
247 votes
There is one theory, that he stumbled upon something that he should'nt have and was killed by the government. Another theory is that, as an agent, he was forced to take on tasks that he didn't want to, becoming depressed. **I know this is long, but here is the "government killing him" theory: Stephen Ivens was kidnapped after he made contact with his Indiana friend and retired fellow counter terrorism specialist, 54 yr old Donald Sacleben. Ivens was going to meet Sacleben on the morning of 5-11 and was taken by a NSA division. They (SRS) fix-it squad subsequently murdered him. Ivens' since long been dead corpse was placed behind the local church he attended at the ripe time to be found by hickers. His murder is directly related to a (tampered) Sukhoi 100 Russian jet crash that killed all passengers, including his airline salesman friend Jeff Adler. The Gov't didn't want a Russian airliner in the Burbank airport, let alone in the sky. Ivens was incensed that Adler was a fatality because he was an inocent civilian. That's when Ivens called Sacleben and the call was caught by NSA. While on route to meet up with Sacleben to discuss the tragic crash and demise of Ivens friend, Ivens was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by covert Gov't officials for national security purposes. Sacleben, not knowing what happen to Ivens, turned around and headed back home to discover police at his home to arrest him for child porn on his computer. Sacleben allegedly had 30 lude pics that happened to be on his laptop. So, with Ivens dead, and Sacleben in federal prison, no one was going to leak any Gov't foul play about the downing of the Russian jet, or the OK City bombing, or any false flag events to include 9-11 of which Sacleben himself was lead investigator. Let's hope Sacleben makes it out alive, similar to Scott Ritter, and the rest of our brutally framed patriots. Also, the media and law enforcement did a stellar job of providing adequite news 'cover' to make it all fade away. -Do you suppose it's possible that the government killed Stephen Ivens?
There is one theory, that he stumbled upon something that he should'nt have and was killed by the government. Another theory is that, as an agent, he was forced to take on tasks that he didn't want to, becoming depressed. **I know this is long, but here is the
558 votes
371 votes
860 votes
Not Applicable
329 votes
It is not too often that a story like this happens in my city. It's a bit creepy to think that a law enforcement agency could have someone killed. What do you think?
It is not too often that a story like this happens in my city. It's a bit creepy to think that a law enforcement agency could have someone killed. What do you think?
It's disturbing to think that law enforcement could have someone killed
823 votes
This would bother me if it happened where I lived
404 votes
Something about his death is not right
533 votes
693 votes
Other (please specify)
26 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.36% 9
he killed himself 0.04% 1
happens more often than you know 0.04% 1
Our government kills people all the time. 0.04% 1
if it looks like a zebra, it's probably a zebra 0.04% 1
trust no one 0.04% 1
I think it odd you should have to ask this question considering what is known about governments within governments 0.04% 1
ask hillary-to her it would be standard operating procedures 0.04% 1
If people don't know something, they make it up 0.04% 1
all of the above 0.04% 1
If the FBI had killed him his body never have been found 0.04% 1
i don't believe in government conspiracies. 0.04% 1
I think it happens more then we know. 0.04% 1
I really don't know enough about it to comment 0.04% 1
I would need more time and info to comment 0.04% 1
Not saying it ain't so, but this is a Hollywood theme: "Be very afraid of your government." 0.04% 1
Law enforcement agency is no different from any other organization...they're just people. 0.04% 1
Who cares? 0.04% 1
I stumbled across this information just this past week and it definitely shines a new light on the event. If our government does things like this, do you think it is in the best interest of the community?
I stumbled across this information just this past week and it definitely shines a new light on the event. If our government does things like this, do you think it is in the best interest of the community?
Yes, this is the way it is sometimes
128 votes
Not sure
370 votes
No, it is never ok for the government to kill for their own reasons; when there is no affect on the community
978 votes
628 votes
Other (please specify)
14 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.24% 5
Someone needs their head examined 0.05% 1
Could not care less 0.05% 1
idk 0.05% 1
they don't do this 0.05% 1
who decides what is "best for our community" 0.05% 1
no causes douht 0.05% 1
Government is out of control & I do not trust them. 0.05% 1
the government should never kill our own people, if this really happened. 0.05% 1
Absolutely not 0.05% 1