Results: The Determinants Of Homelessness
Published on 12/20/2017
If you have ever been homeless, please check off the reasons that led to this status:

122 votes
Lost housing for any reason
153 votes
Domestic violence (#1 cause of homelessness with women)
93 votes
Relationship issue, i.e. separation, divorce
106 votes
Chronic illness
63 votes
Social Security or Disability income was not enough for housing
57 votes
Incarceration, one or multiple
37 votes
Mental illness
56 votes
Drugs or alcohol use
62 votes
Became disabled
57 votes
By choice, perhaps to save money or to pay off bills
25 votes
I have never been homeless
1549 votes
Other (please specify)
27 votes
Work either full-time or part-time but it's not enough for everything
82 votes
During the time that you were homeless, did you consider yourself mentally ill?

115 votes
305 votes
Not Applicable
1553 votes
According to Homeless Hub in Canada, here are the top ten health issues that chronic homelessness (more than 1 year) can lead to. Check off the ones you knew existed:

1. Mortality and unintentional injuries (bruises, cuts, burns, etc.) "Unintentional injuries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially among homeless men. Injuries are often the result of falls or being struck by a motor vehicle. Deaths due to an unintentional overdose of drugs or alcohol, or both, are also common. Exposure to the elements is a major hazard. In cold weather, the risk of frostbite and hypothermia is substantial, and deaths due to freezing are not uncommon. In hot weather, severe sunburn and heatstroke can occur." Suicides among homeless people are also common.
484 votes
2. Musculoskeletal disorders and chronic pain "Disorders that affect joints, ligaments and tendons (like arthritis) are common among people experiencing homelessness. One study on managing chronic pain among homeless persons found that treatment is a challenge due to stressful living on streets or in shelters, inability to afford prescription medications, and poor sleeping conditions."
355 votes
3. Hunger and nutrition "Poor nutrition can contribute to a number of chronic conditions over time, and issues like fatigue and weakness in the short term."
658 votes
4. Skin & foot problems "Foot disorders such as onychomycosis, tinea pedis, corns and callouses, and immersion foot are usually the result of inadequate footwear, prolonged exposure to moisture, long periods of walking and standing, and repetitive minor trauma."
471 votes
5. Infectious diseases "People who are homeless are often at risk of infectious diseases—like hepatitis A, B, and C, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS—due to compromised immune systems, poor nutrition and hygiene, and frequent overcrowding at shelters."
555 votes
6. Dental problems "Oral health care in Canada is not based on one's need, but rather on one's ability to pay."
562 votes
7. Respiratory illness "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory disease are also common among people experiencing homelessness."
380 votes
8. Chronic diseases and disorders (Hypertension and Diabetes)
340 votes
9. Sexual & reproductive care "Youth who are homeless tend to have more sexual partners and at younger ages, making them more at risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Being homeless makes reproductive conditions like pregnancy even more stressful, due to already having compromised health and lacking support systems."
332 votes
10. Mental health issues "30-35 percent of the homeless, in general, and up to 75 percent of homeless women specifically, have been diagnosed with a mental illness. 20-25 percent of homeless people suffer from concurrent disorders (severe mental illness and addictions). People who have a severe mental illness are over-represented in the homeless population, as they are often released from hospitals and jails without proper community supports."
566 votes
***Depression rates are also higher amongst the homeless population, with "22-46 percent having attempted suicide and up to 61 percent having had suicidal thoughts".
539 votes
Not Applicable
1014 votes
This past weekend, the Burbank Leader featured an article regarding the monies from Prop HHH for affordable housing / housing for the homeless. Bert Ring drew that accompanying cartoon, which showed Santa leaving a care package on the ground amongst shoes, and tin cans; completely inappropriate and insensitive. That said, here are a few celebs that were homeless, but probably not homeless long enough to look like Bert Ring's picture. Nonetheless, choose the ones that you knew were once homeless:

1. Jennifer Lopez. Before she was known worldwide as 'Jenny from the Block,' things were not easy for Jennifer Lopez. After butting heads with her mother because she chose a career as a dancer instead of college, Lopez was homeless at age 18. She even spent some nights sleeping in a cot in a dance studio. Within a year, she nabbed her first major gig and the rest is history.
172 votes
2. Steve Jobs. While dropping out of Reed College ultimately helped Steve Jobs achieve his dreams, it first left him without a dorm room. He was homeless, and reportedly had to collect coke bottles to earn money for food. The decision to leave college eventually paid off for Jobs as he founded one of the most successful companies of all time.
187 votes
3. Michael Oher. Some may know him as subject of the hit book and movie The Blind Side, but before Michael Oher became a Super Bowl winning lineman, he was homeless. Oher was a living on the streets as a child before a family adopted him and he embarked on his football journey.
209 votes
4. Jewel. For over 20 years, Jewel has been singing some of the greatest ballads ever. But before she was a big success, Jewel lived out of her car as a teenager. She finally pulled herself out of that situation after getting her first record deal.
248 votes
5. Sylvester Stallone. Sylvester Stallone went from rags to riches with Rocky. Before the film was made, he was homeless and sold his dog for $50. One week later, after he cashed in by selling the script, he reportedly bought the dog back for $3000.
151 votes
6. Halle Berry. Halle Berry found herself without cash as a struggling actress, and she had to seek refuge in a homeless shelter. Berry did ask her mother for financial assistance, but she refused to help. It was an important lesson for Berry, and one that motivated her to launch her career. She eventually won an Academy Award.
87 votes
7. Steve Harvey. Long before Steve Harvey became a television host, he was struggling to make it in the world of entertainment. He was homeless for three years, slept in his car and lived on bologna sandwiches. Now, between his gigs and television appearances, he is sitting on a $100 million empire.
173 votes
8. Heather Mills. While Heather Mills is a recognizable model and activist, most people do not realize she was once homeless. As a teenager, she ran away from home and reportedly lived under the arches at London Waterloo. After her career blossomed, Mills was successful and no longer homeless.
36 votes
9. Drew Carey. For The Price Is Right host Drew Carey, he once couldn't afford a place to live or food to eat. As a youngster in Las Vegas, Carey said that he was homeless and searched for spare change just to survive. Carey eventually got back on his feet and became television icon.
89 votes
10. Jim Cramer. When CNBC's Jim Cramer was younger, a thief broke into his apartment and stole everything. Cramer had nothing left and with no place to stay, he was living out of his car. Cramer eventually saved enough money to get a new place. From there he launched a career as a hedge fund manager and a television host.
32 votes
11. Chris Pratt. Years before Chris Pratt became a star on television and in movies, he was reportedly homeless and living out of a van in Hawaii. And he was living in that van until he was casted in Cursed Part 3, which launched his career.
79 votes
Not Applicable
1231 votes
If you have been homeless, did you look like what society sees a homeless person as?

93 votes
315 votes
Not Applicable
1565 votes