Results: McDonald's Language Discrimination Case?
Published on 08/28/2013
A woman is claiming she was refused service at a McDonald's Restaurant in a Vancouver suburb because staff said they couldn't understand her English.
Hai Xia Sun ordered a hot chocolate at the McDonald's, but said staff gave her a coffee by mistake. She said she asked that her order be fixed, but alleges the manager refused and told her to get out of the store instead. The woman explained later "This is my second language right. And this is discrimination. Yes maybe I speak not very good English but she can't not service to us."

Would you consider this a case of discrimination?

1816 votes
1514 votes
1187 votes
A spokesperson for McDonald's says the incident was not discrimination but a result of a language barrier. If you also don't think that this was discrimination would you agree with the spokesperson? Yes
1605 votes
1641 votes
1271 votes
Has this happened to you or anyone else you know? Yes
794 votes
3723 votes
Do you think that the McDonald's employee should have been more patient? Yes
3066 votes
578 votes
873 votes
This case occurred in an area of predominantly Chinese residents and the the woman's son has decided to request from McDonald's to hire more Mandarin speaking staff. How do you feel about this? I think it is a good solution to reduce situations like that
1617 votes
I think hiring Mandarin speaking staff will not be necessary since the official languages in Canada are English and French
1450 votes
1370 votes
Other (please specify)
80 votes
Other Answers | Percentage | Votes |
0.38% | 17 | |
she is in america and needs to learn english not expect mcdonald's to hire people who speak her language so she doesn't have to. | 0.02% | 1 |
speak english | 0.02% | 1 |
i don't think they should have to hire just because someone doesn't speak the native language. if they live in a country they should learn to speak the language better! | 0.02% | 1 |
have a computer with translate | 0.02% | 1 |
i just think they should have given her a menu for mute and let her pick the picture. i do think that it should not matter the % of people working who can speak the language of their customer. | 0.02% | 1 |
they might have been more patient and asked her to point to the item she wanted on the menu board. | 0.02% | 1 |
they live here, learn the language | 0.02% | 1 |
no english no service, why do we have to cater to other languages.. | 0.02% | 1 |
esl for her | 0.02% | 1 |
your in america speck english | 0.02% | 1 |
i think that they should learn the language better | 0.02% | 1 |
it is up to the company to decide. the company should not be forced to do anything. | 0.02% | 1 |
i think it would be logical for mcdicks to hire mandarin speaking people considering that it is the second most spoken language in canada and especially in greater vancouver. | 0.02% | 1 |
english language needs to be tought to people allowed to live where english is spoken mostly. just like if and english speaking person were to be in a manderine mostly speaking country | 0.02% | 1 |
mcdonald's can hire whomever they want. | 0.02% | 1 |
the staff should be trained to be able to narrow down what they want, just like i had to when i worked in a restaurant. | 0.02% | 1 |
it's unnecessary. staff should simply be more patient. | 0.02% | 1 |
if this resturant is in a mandarin section of town i am sure someone in that store should have understood her! | 0.02% | 1 |
if i went to china, i would be expected to speak chinese. period. | 0.02% | 1 |
the woman who felt discriminated against should work there. won't last a month. | 0.02% | 1 |
if there is a language barrier, then either a translator or employee at this place of business should learn other languages. | 0.02% | 1 |
i think if that area is mostli chinese havng one mandarin speaking person on staff is a good idea | 0.02% | 1 |
a 2nd menu more helpful to non-english speaker | 0.02% | 1 |
they should whip out their dicks | 0.02% | 1 |
i think that when a person moves to a different country from their homeland it is their responsibility to learn the language of that country in order to communicate. | 0.02% | 1 |
at wendys they have a picture menu for people who cant talk they should do something like that. | 0.02% | 1 |
yes while it may suck for the person i still believe if you come to a country you should learn their language. | 0.02% | 1 |
asking is a good idea, but whether or not mcdonald's feels it's in their own interest to hire more mandarin speaking employees is totally up to them. | 0.02% | 1 |
stupid son | 0.02% | 1 |
we should not compensate for people who aren't motivated to speak english clearly. | 0.02% | 1 |
maybe have management who can speak mandarin will be benificial in a location like that..the same as french/english near the quebec border | 0.02% | 1 |
you should learn english or french but also the mac staff should have more patience | 0.02% | 1 |
it would make good business sense in that market, but is not necessary. | 0.02% | 1 |
deciding to hire more mandarin speaking staff would amount to discriminating against potential employees who do not speak mandarin. however having one on the payroll will be beneficial in the customer relations department. | 0.02% | 1 |
no | 0.02% | 1 |
i don't know. and i'm from the unites states | 0.02% | 1 |
can thiet phai biet noi tieng dia phuong khi o noi do | 0.02% | 1 |
doesn't matter, they still need to be more patient with any language | 0.02% | 1 |
i hate mc'dondalds staff. fire all teenagers. | 0.02% | 1 |
learn the language | 0.02% | 1 |
. | 0.02% | 1 |
different langues are fine, but you also need to know english to. | 0.02% | 1 |
i feel as if foreigners target the us is many ways, you never here of an american in another country making problems such as this. it is never ending here in america... | 0.02% | 1 |
that would also be discrimation. people should be hired based on their job capabilities. | 0.02% | 1 |
welcome to the country.. now speak english.. cant speak it right tough crap. | 0.02% | 1 |
it may be mor profitable for the company if they have more mandarin speaking staff | 0.02% | 1 |
it's america and people should learn to speak american if they're gonna live here. | 0.02% | 1 |
staff can find other ways to communicate with customers. | 0.02% | 1 |
it would be a good idea only if the mandarin speaking stuff knows to use english good. | 0.02% | 1 |
i think it would be a good idea to hire mandarin speaking people in that specific area, but not all over canada. | 0.02% | 1 |
with a little patience im sure they could have got her order right | 0.02% | 1 |
management should do whatever it takes to keep customers | 0.02% | 1 |
learn english | 0.02% | 1 |
i think people need to be more tolerant of others in their struggle learning a new language | 0.02% | 1 |
im not sure about hiring just mandarin speaking staff. however the manager was rude and should not have kicked the lady out of the store. | 0.02% | 1 |
n/a | 0.02% | 1 |
i think if i went to another country it would be my responabitly tolearn their langue | 0.02% | 1 |
should be nice to her | 0.02% | 1 |
i believe that the customer is the only important thing in people oriented businesses, the staff needs to be taught to respect their customers. i think the employee should be fired for being rude to a customer. | 0.02% | 1 |
that's crazy. if that is applicable, then mcdonald's would need to staff every country | 0.02% | 1 |
they should hire more mandarin speakers only if they also have a solid grasp of the english language. | 0.02% | 1 |
best person qualifed for job | 0.02% | 1 |
they should have asked the women to write down what she wanted | 0.02% | 1 |