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Results: Are parents responsible for how their children behave? Or should we just let kids be kids?

Published on 05/21/2023
By: DavKar
“It’s Not My Problem Your Wedding Isn’t Kid Friendly” was the justification parents gave for the unruly behaviour that led a bride and groom to take the parents to court after their kids ruined their wedding. Most kids find weddings are dull. Some say parents need to keep kids entertained in order to prevent them from destructive and disruptive behaviour. But should parents also teach their kids how to behave in public settings rather than entertain them? Parenting versus entertaining?
Children's behaviour at weddings is a pretty effective mirror of how well their parents raised them. Do you agree with this statement or is bad behaviour from kids a result of parents not doing enough to prevent them from becoming bored in formal situations like a wedding or funeral? Or should the host be responsible for having a range of distractions available to keep the kids occupied?
Children's behaviour at weddings is a pretty effective mirror of how well their parents raised them. Do you agree with this statement or is bad behaviour from kids a result of parents not doing enough to prevent them from becoming bored in formal situations like a wedding or funeral? Or should the host be responsible for having a range of distractions available to keep the kids occupied?
Parents are always responsible for the behaviour of their children.
1437 votes
The host is at least partially responsible for providing a kids program to amuse them and help prevent bad behaviour.
239 votes
If hosts don't want to accept any responsibility for kids" behaviour they should stipulate "No kids" in the invitations.
555 votes
If the invite says "No kids" and someone brings them anyway, the parents assume responsibility for any negative consequences.
780 votes
Other (please specify)
22 votes
Not Applicable
300 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.16% 5
If kids are not invited parent should not bring them 0.03% 1
Everyone knows that kids are unpredictable and if the host doesn't want to deal with unruly behavior from their guests, they should ask that parents leave their kids at home. 0.03% 1
It's great if children can be present for weddings and receptions, but if they can't behave during a church service they should not come. Children can usually attend a reception for a little while but should have a caregiver take them home early. 0.03% 1
Teach your children to behave in public and if you can't control your unruly children do not bring them anywhere until that are taught to obey you the PARENTS! 0.03% 1
Selfish people bring children to weddings when they are uninvited uncouth 0.03% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.03% 1
It's both, a combination of parental responsibility AND hosting a child appropriate event 0.03% 1
No kids is No kids. This is to be an adult events, kids not allowed. 0.03% 1
You can lead/teach children as best as you can, but they still may act up in any situation. 0.03% 1
Parents and the children (depending on age) are both responsible. Children are still spereate peopleC 0.03% 1
It’s a little of both. Kids need to learn patience and tolerance in less fun situations, just like adults do. 0.03% 1
This all depends on what are the ages of said children. 0.03% 1
While parents should always take responsibility, they cannot always simply to behave. Some children have attention deficit disorder and others are just wild by genetics. Genes play a great part in behaviour. 0.03% 1
we had a weddiing with kids, planned child friendly menu, snacks, games, prizes etc and everyone had a great time 0.03% 1
The kids are responsible for their behaviour. 0.03% 1
Kids should get to be kids-no question. They should also be taught 'a time and place' for things. 0.03% 1
todays kids get away with way too much 0.03% 1
In an article from "Bored Panda" the author said the kids interrupted the ceremony by yelling and running up and down the aisles, threw the aisle decor off the pews onto the floor and basically destroyed it, and the parents did nothing to stop this and ignored the kids. What should have been done to prevent this or at least deal with it?
In an article from
The parents of the children should have instilled some discipline or at least removed the children from the ceremony.
1581 votes
The parents of the bride and or groom should have interceded to have the children and their parents leave the ceremony.
445 votes
This is a job for the ushers or best man.
225 votes
This is what happens when the host doesn't plan a program for the kids.
162 votes
Other (please specify)
28 votes
Not Applicable
334 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.20% 5
The parents should be held financially responsible for the destruction/disruption their kids caused. They should have left their kids at home with a babysitter in the first place. 0.04% 1
The invitations should have said that no children were to be brought to the wedding. 0.04% 1
Parents should have made arrangements for a caregiver if their children are not normally well behaved in public. 0.04% 1
It sounds like everyone sat there like statues? WTF? Who does that? 0.04% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.04% 1
The parents should have removed the kids and themselves from the ceremony! 0.04% 1
they should be ejected with their parents. 0.04% 1
Ask the parents and the kids to leave immediately. If they refuse call the cops on them. 0.04% 1
you should not take kids to serious events if they cannot be still and behave. 0.04% 1
The couple should have hired a "bouncer" to send the family in question packing! 0.04% 1
The parents and their kids should of been told to leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.04% 1
No kids on invite 0.04% 1
It’s a job for anyone and everyone to get the children back to their parents, and their responsibility to leave the ceremony. 0.04% 1
anybody with some common decency & respect may have stepped up & tried to corral the unruly kids,when my kids misbehaved I or my husband left with them immediately in this type of situation,if they were even taken at all(usually not) 0.04% 1
They.should have stopped ceremony and asked the disruptors to leave ceremony 0.04% 1
good spanking 0.04% 1
Verify if the kids have an invitation 0.04% 1
Easy. No children allowed. 0.04% 1
Parents & children should have been escorted out and away, but I do not know by whom. 0.04% 1
todays kids get away with way too much 0.04% 1
They should have been taught to behave. A couple of good ass whippings would still put a stop to it. 0.04% 1
Ban the brats! 0.04% 1
The reception was even worse. The kids ran onto the floor during the married couple's dance, they threw food, yelled and screamed and one of them threw a plate which hit a guest. The bride asked the mother of the children to do something and got "It's not my problem your wedding isn't kids friendly." in reply. Does she have a point?
The reception was even worse. The kids ran onto the floor during the married couple's dance, they threw food, yelled and screamed and one of them threw a plate which hit a guest. The bride asked the mother of the children to do something and got
Parents are always responsible for the behaviour of their children.
1494 votes
The host is at least partially responsible for providing a kids program to amuse them and help prevent bad behaviour.
169 votes
If hosts don't want to accept any responsibility for kids" behaviour they should stipulate "No kids" in the invitations.
473 votes
If the invite says "No kids" and someone brings them anyway, the parents assume responsibility for any negative consequences.
710 votes
Other (please specify)
28 votes
Not Applicable
330 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.17% 5
the wedding is one thing and can have stricter rules, the reception is basically a big meal in a restaurant so behaviour there can be more lax. 0.03% 1
If children don't behave at home or in other public situations, don't expect them to behave at weddings and leave them at home. 0.03% 1
They should’ve been kicked out from the get go !!! parents kids & all 0.03% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.03% 1
eject the kids and the parents. 0.03% 1
Wonder if you want to keep these people as friends. 0.03% 1
If parents bring kids, when not invited, then the person in charge, should ask the parents to take kids and leave. 0.03% 1
Good ole fashion spanking!!! 0.03% 1
The whole party of disruptive people should be told to leave. 0.03% 1
The kids are just as responsible but the mother should have done something to control them 0.03% 1
People who bring kids to a "no kids" event should be sent home with their kids 0.03% 1
Total brat! 0.03% 1
Those parents obviously knew their kids were undisciplined and should not have brought them in the first place. 0.03% 1
Mother should be told to control the Brat or leave. 0.03% 1
Deny the parents entry into wedding at beginning 0.03% 1
That is absolutely unacceptable & they should have been asked to take their unruly child & leave...& I would say the mother is obviously rude & has no manners or common courtesy,either! 0.03% 1
Bounced out like at a bar. 0.03% 1
Maybe the kids should have learned to dance properly before attending the wedding? 0.03% 1
todays kids get away with too much way to soft 0.03% 1
When stipulated no children, if you bring them, you will not be allowed in. 0.03% 1
Any disruption should be handled by the ushers. The child should be removed. from the ceremony by the ushers. The parents can then follow the child out or leave the child outside by himself 0.03% 1
I'd ɓe asking them to leave, returning their gifts if feasible. 0.03% 1
Just before the cutting of the cake, one of the kids, who had just discovered the chocolate fountain for the fondue, rubbed his chocolate covered hands over the bride's dress ruining it before the photos could be taken. Who was to blame for this?
Just before the cutting of the cake, one of the kids, who had just discovered the chocolate fountain for the fondue, rubbed his chocolate covered hands over the bride's dress ruining it before the photos could be taken. Who was to blame for this?
Parents are always responsible for the behaviour of their children.
1524 votes
The host is at least partially responsible for providing a kids program to amuse them and help prevent bad behaviour.
134 votes
The caterers should have prevented access to the chocolate fountain by children - kids will be kids!
273 votes
If the invite says "No kids" and someone brings them anyway, the parents assume responsibility for any negative consequences.
687 votes
Other (please specify)
22 votes
Not Applicable
336 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.27% 7
I know what my parents would have done with me in this situation. They'd have apologized and left after the ceremony debacle 0.04% 1
Children should be chaperoned at all times. Unruly behavior should be stopped immediately by the ushers and the child removed from the building 0.04% 1
The chocolate was to blame. 0.04% 1
The child's mother & I would sue for the costs,most definitely! 0.04% 1
Apart from having the Mother pay for cleaning or if not possible due to the extent of the damage she should pay for the dress and should be told to control the Brat or leave. 0.04% 1
Total brat! 0.04% 1
Those parents & kids should have been sent home immediately after the service - Or before it! 0.04% 1
See previous 2 answers. 0.04% 1
Kids should be removed, along with parents. 0.04% 1
Parents today, are scared of their children and will not discipline them. Be parents, not their friend. 0.04% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.04% 1
The family should have been told to not attend the reception after the disturbance during the ceremony. 0.04% 1
The kids should’ve been kicked out long before the cake 0.04% 1
Ditto my above answers. 0.04% 1
Next was the cutting of the five tier wedding cake. The chocolate covered kid ran up to the bride and asked for a slice of cake and was told that the cake would be served by catering staff in a few seconds. This was not good enough for the child who threw a tantrum, screamed, then kicked the leg of the table, causing the tall cake to topple over and land on the bride, groom, mother of the bride and the child. The kids mother yelled that the bridal party had hurt her child and words were exchanged. What do you think of that?
Next was the cutting of the five tier wedding cake. The chocolate covered kid ran up to the bride and asked for a slice of cake and was told that the cake would be served by catering staff in a few seconds. This was not good enough for the child who threw a tantrum, screamed, then kicked the leg of the table, causing the tall cake to topple over and land on the bride, groom, mother of the bride and the child. The kids mother yelled that the bridal party had hurt her child and words were exchanged. What do you think of that?
Parents are always responsible for the behaviour of their children.
1517 votes
If hosts don't want to accept any responsibility for kids" behaviour they should stipulate "No kids" in the invitations.
332 votes
The facility should have provided a sturdier "kids proof" table for the cake to go on.
174 votes
If the invite says "No kids" and someone brings them anyway, the parents assume responsibility for any negative consequences.
673 votes
Other (please specify)
34 votes
Not Applicable
334 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.18% 5
I don't know any child that would do something like this; I hope it wouldn't be my cbild! 0.04% 1
Parents should teach their children to behave at home, in public, and at family gatherings. 0.04% 1
Some people Just do not know how to respect other people Special ocassion and should not be invite, if they show up with there kids they should be told to leave and NOT permitted to enter the ceremony at all. People of class do not act Rudely . 0.04% 1
Were all those people mentally retarded??! 0.04% 1
The children and parent should have been removed long before this point. 0.04% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.04% 1
These parents are ridiculous. Why were they even invited. 0.04% 1
This sounds like a made-up story. The family with children would have been made to leave at the first or second offense, and certainly wouldn't have been allowed to ruin the cake and the dress...that is overkill and ruins the credibility of the story 0.04% 1
They should have been asked to leave. 0.04% 1
I don't believe it happened 0.04% 1
eject the kid and parents 0.04% 1
These people are NOT good friends. 0.04% 1
Lot of kids are brats today, just go shopping and see how the children behave in the stores. It is terrible, embarrassing to me but parents don't seem to care or notice. 0.04% 1
The parents are in lah lah land, Not my child attitude! 0.04% 1
Get them out of there!! 0.04% 1
Previous answers 0.04% 1
Those parents & kids should have been sent home immediately after the service - Or before it! 0.04% 1
Total brat! 0.04% 1
Fudgem, she should of kicked out the whole family (parents and kids) 0.04% 1
This sounds like the kids parents deliberately wanted their kids to ruin the couple’s day. 0.04% 1
Sue the parents 0.04% 1
Mother & Brat should have bee told to leave 0.04% 1
The poor bride! That child is obviously totally out of control & I would say is deserving of a firm hand across the bottom! 0.04% 1
The cake shouldn't have been there 0.04% 1
These kids should have been out of there right away at the ceremony. It should never have reached this point. 0.04% 1
She needed a good ass whipping. 0.04% 1
Someone should have kept the child under control. The mother should also have been removed for not controlling her kid. The bride’s family should sue for the entire cost of the wedding. 0.04% 1
What a bitch 0.04% 1
In the aftermath of this, the bride is suing to cover the considerable damage the kids caused to the dress, the cake, the enjoyment of the event and the photographs of it. The parents of the child are suing to cover the medical costs of the kid after the cake fell on him. Who has the better case if any?
In the aftermath of this, the bride is suing to cover the considerable damage the kids caused to the dress, the cake, the enjoyment of the event and the photographs of it. The parents of the child are suing to cover the medical costs of the kid after the cake fell on him. Who has the better case if any?
The bride - her wedding day was ruined.
1109 votes
The bride should have planned for this.
128 votes
The parents of the child - her kid was injured and had medical costs.
224 votes
Neither - neither side is to blame for what happened.
140 votes
Both - both sides are partially to blame for what happened
372 votes
Other (please specify)
28 votes
Not Applicable
411 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.30% 6
It never should have gotten that out of control. Had the children been removed immediately upon making interruptions in the first place, things wouldn’t have escalated to the level they did. 0.05% 1
This sounds like a bunch of crap how can someone’s kids be so undisiplined 0.05% 1
The parents should have offered to pay the couple's expenses because their children's behavior was way out of line. 0.05% 1
Yes, they were definitely all retarded people the disruptive family should’ve been kicked out from the beginning!!!!! 0.05% 1
No children NO EXCEPTIONS 0.05% 1
You shouldn't sue each other 0.05% 1
Medical bills? Seriously? 0.05% 1
Sue the parents of the kid. No kid is no kid. 0.05% 1
I would stop the friendship with the parents of the child, that is totally unacceptable behaviour on part of the child. 0.05% 1
That is ridiculous everybody wants to sue somebody she needs to get over it grow up consider the source it's a child the parents were watching it so your dress will wash who cares would probably be divorced in 2 years anyways 0.05% 1
I believe parents are at fault but surely suing isn't answer 0.05% 1
athe parents should have controlled their child,they are responsible. 0.05% 1
kid was injured becuas ethe parent did nto control their kid 0.05% 1
Really a lawsuit? 0.05% 1
The cake will win the cake 0.05% 1
Kid kicked the table, causing his own injury. 0.05% 1
The unruly children' 0.05% 1
Have the best man and ushers deal with it early.rop kick them out the front door. 0.05% 1
The parents should not have kids, how they could allow this and blame people? 0.05% 1
The parents of the child basically should be called out for child abuse. No parent should allow their child so few limits which in life will make him/her have a terrible life as he grows up, is a teen, gets married and tries to have a job. 0.05% 1