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Results: Binge Eating Disorder

Published on 02/26/2018
By: msrcms
Health & Fitness
Source: Wikipedia. Binge eating disorder (or BED) is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social problems, but without subsequent purging episodes (vomiting). Binge eating is one of the most prevalent eating disorders among adults, though there tends to be less media coverage and research about the disorder in comparison to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Is this the first time you are reading about binge eating disorder?
Source: Wikipedia. Binge eating disorder (or BED) is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social problems, but without subsequent purging episodes (vomiting). Binge eating is one of the most prevalent eating disorders among adults, though there tends to be less media coverage and research about the disorder in comparison to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Is this the first time you are reading about binge eating disorder?
541 votes
1834 votes
Signs and Symptoms: An individual may occasionally binge eat without experiencing many of the negative physical, psychological, or social effects of BED. This example may be considered an eating problem (or not), rather than a disorder. Precisely defining binge eating can be problematic. BED is characterized more by overeating than dietary restriction and over concern about body shape. Obesity is common in persons with BED, as are depressive features, low self-esteem, stress and boredom. Binge eating episodes in BED are generally described as having the following potential features. What BED facts are you familiar with?
Signs and Symptoms: An individual may occasionally binge eat without experiencing many of the negative physical, psychological, or social effects of BED. This example may be considered an eating problem (or not), rather than a disorder. Precisely defining binge eating can be problematic. BED is characterized more by overeating than dietary restriction and over concern about body shape. Obesity is common in persons with BED, as are depressive features, low self-esteem, stress and boredom. Binge eating episodes in BED are generally described as having the following potential features. What BED facts are you familiar with?
Eating much faster than normal (perhaps in a short space of time).
632 votes
Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
782 votes
Eating a large amount when not hungry.
786 votes
Subjective loss of control over how much or what is eaten.
477 votes
Binges may be planned in advance, involving the purchase of special binge foods, and the allocation of specific time for binging, sometimes at night.
449 votes
Eating alone or secretly due to embarrassment over the amount of food consumed.
701 votes
There may be a dazed mental state during the binge.
218 votes
Not being able to remember what was eaten after the binge.
211 votes
Feelings of guilt, shame or disgust following a food binge.
661 votes
All of the above.
390 votes
None of the above.
752 votes
As with other eating disorders, binge eating is an "expressive disorder" (a disorder that is an expression of deeper psychological problems). People who suffer from binge eating disorder have been found to have higher weight bias internalization, which includes low self-esteem, unhealthy eating patterns, and general body dissatisfaction. Binge eating disorder commonly develops as a result or side effect of depression, as it is common for people to turn to comfort foods when they are feeling down. Do you know of someone that has a binge eating disorder?
As with other eating disorders, binge eating is an
537 votes
1838 votes
There are a few various treatments for BED, what treatments are you familiar with?
There are a few various treatments for BED, what treatments are you familiar with?
Counselling: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment has been demonstrated as a more effective form of treatment for BED than behavioral weight loss programs. 50 percent of BED individuals achieve complete remission from binge eating. There is also a 12-step Overeaters Anonymous or Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous.
696 votes
Medication: Three other classes of medications are also used in the treatment of binge eating disorder: antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-obesity medications. As of January 2015, lisdexamfetamine was the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States specifically for the treatment of binge eating.
320 votes
Surgery: Bariatric surgery has also been proposed as another approach to treat BED and a recent meta-analysis showed that approximately two-thirds of individuals who seek this type of surgery for weight loss purposes have BED. Bariatric surgery recipients who had BED prior to receiving the surgery tend to have poorer weight-loss outcomes and are more likely to continue to exhibit eating behaviors characteristic of BED.
388 votes
All of the above.
424 votes
None of the above.
1100 votes