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Results: Angelina Jolie Mastectomy

Published on 06/20/2013
By: Tellwut
Health & Fitness
Angelina Jolie recently revealed that she had a preventative double mastectomy after testing positive for the mutation gene BRCA1. Currently, gene mutation testing can cost between 3,000-4000 dollars if not covered by insurance or for failing to meet specific criteria.
Are you familiar with the BRCA1 gene mutation?
Yes, I am familiar with the gene mutation BRCA1
771 votes
No, I am not familiar with the gene mutation BRCA1
1043 votes
Do you think Angelina Jolie made the right decision having a preventive mastectomy done?
Yes, I think Angelina made the right decision to get a preventative mastectomy
853 votes
No, I don't think Angelina Jolie made the right decision to get a preventative mastectomy
281 votes
I am undecided on this topic
680 votes
Do you know anyone who has had breast cancer due to the gene mutation BRCA1?
219 votes
1200 votes
395 votes
After learning about Angelina's bout with the gene, will you encourage your loved ones to get tested?
Yes despite the costs, I will encourage my loved ones to get tested
458 votes
No, I will not encourage my loved ones to get tested
440 votes
It seems really expensive. I am not sure if I will tell them to get tested unless I know they are covered
916 votes
If someone in your family tested positive for the mutation gene would you encourage them to get a preventative mastectomy?
Yes, I will encourage them to get a preventative mastectomy
513 votes
No, I will let them make the decision themselves
728 votes
It seems really expensive. I am not sure if I will tell them to get the surgery unless I know they are covered
573 votes
Have you ever considered getting gene testing done?
Yes, I have considered getting tested
292 votes
No, I have not considered getting tested
1047 votes
475 votes
If you have not considered getting gene testing done, what was the reason?
Too expensive
511 votes
Insurance not covering fully
246 votes
No previous experience of breast cancer in the family
326 votes
No previous experience of breast cancer in the family
215 votes
Not familiar with gene testing
249 votes
691 votes
Other (please specify)
56 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.39% 9
no insurance 0.13% 3
what will happen will happen 0.04% 1
don't want to know 0.04% 1
other family member had done and although breast cancer not the muttion gene 0.04% 1
just never considered it 0.04% 1
if it happens it happens. i get checkups regularly to detect diseases. 0.04% 1
every year i have a breast x-ray done. 0.04% 1
i really don't want to know. 0.04% 1
had it done 0.04% 1
i have no rights and no god damn money - o.k. ???? 0.04% 1
i'm not worries about cancer, i use marijuana! 0.04% 1
it makes me angry that only rich women can afford this testing & that the general public is not made more aware of other preventative options besides surgery. hollywood doctors are getting richer by encouraging surgery that is not necessary. 0.04% 1
unnecessary 0.04% 1
don't trust where those results will end up. 0.04% 1
privacy and coverage denial 0.04% 1
test are not always accurate, no problems leave well alone 0.04% 1
not female 0.04% 1
don't want to worry about the future 0.04% 1
aunt only one who had breast cancer and no gene 0.04% 1
not interested in getting tested 0.04% 1
dont fix if its not broke 0.04% 1
just never thought of it 0.04% 1
not super concerned 0.04% 1
not sure about the effectiveness of doing this to prevent cancer 0.04% 1
lacking resources / insurance. 0.04% 1
even if you have the gene it doesnt mean you will get cancer so just keep a close eye on your bodys changes 0.04% 1
i believe the whole thing is bs. 0.04% 1
my doctor didn't feel i needed it 0.04% 1
jesus is my healer! 0.04% 1
although we have bc in the family, there is no evidence of the brca gene in my mom, aunts, or grandmothers 0.04% 1
i had it done 0.04% 1
male 0.04% 1
i had a test done. 0.04% 1
people need to quit believing what the medical/pharma tells them, all cancers can be avoided even if u have the gene 0.04% 1
i have 0.04% 1
too young for breast cancer to be a serious concern. 0.04% 1
dont believe in this 0.04% 1
no need to know 0.04% 1
don't want to know. instead i make sure that i go for necessary tests very frequently. 0.04% 1
i used to represent this test to doctors, and it is not a fail safe indicator that you will develove either braca1 or braca2 just because you have the mutation 0.04% 1
you could still get cancer in the area where the breast was. 0.04% 1
not fan 0.04% 1
don't think the results are conclusive enough to be worth the testing 0.04% 1
would create a fearful enviroment 0.04% 1
having the gene does not mean you will definately have cancer 0.04% 1