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Results: Virtuous Pedophile -- Thin Line Between Desire And Action

Published on 04/04/2017
By: Harriet56
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Virtuous Pedophiles is an Internet-based mutual support group for pedophiles who acknowledge having a sexual interest in children and do not act on their desires. Members support each other in trying to lead normal lives without committing child sexual abuse. Members share the belief that sexual activity between adults and children is wrong and always will be. They take a firm stand against child sexual exploitation of any kind, including viewing child pornography. Unlike other groups, they are not trying to change the laws or legalize child sexual activity in any way, but to uphold the laws. Have you ever heard of this group?
Virtuous Pedophiles is an Internet-based mutual support group for pedophiles who acknowledge having a sexual interest in children and do not act on their desires. Members support each other in trying to lead normal lives without committing child sexual abuse. Members share the belief that sexual activity between adults and children is wrong and always will be. They take a firm stand against child sexual exploitation of any kind, including viewing child pornography. Unlike other groups, they are not trying to change the laws or legalize child sexual activity in any way, but to uphold the laws. Have you ever heard of this group?
135 votes
1571 votes
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134 votes
The two founders of this organization, Ethan Edwards and Nick Devin (both pseudonyms) started this completely anonymous on-line support group to help others going through what they were going through. Both men realized they were having sexual feelings about young girls but never acted on these desires. The website is a rare spot where pedophiles can acknowledge their problem and seek help to keep their impulses under control, without fear of being exposed to a world where hysteria about child molesters can cloud any understanding of and research into the problem of pedophilia. Do you think that this type of group can really help?
Yes, this way these people can get the help they need, without the stigma attached if they spoke to a psychiatrist, clergy or counselor
408 votes
No, this could be a breeding ground for information on how to find, lure and act out their desires
390 votes
I believe that even if you only have the desire, you should be forced to register as a child sex offender
135 votes
Not sure
727 votes
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180 votes
In January, Gary Gibson, a Chiloquin, Oregon man, appeared on the Dr. Phil show and talked about being a "virtuous pedophile". He told Dr. Phil that although he is attracted to young girls, he does not act on his impulses. Gibson said he came forward to offer help to those in similar situations through groups such as nonprofit Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention (ASAP), founded by Gibson and others in 2015. But many Chiloquin residents have said they see Gibson's admission as a threat to their community. And many are calling for his arrest based on what he admitted. The police say they can not arrest him, as he has not committed any crime. What do you think?
In January, Gary Gibson, a Chiloquin, Oregon man, appeared on the Dr. Phil show and talked about being a
He was very brave to come forth, and should not be punished for wanting to help others in the same condition
382 votes
He should not be arrested, because he has not committed any crime -- you can't be arrested for your feelings and thoughts
431 votes
This man should be arrested and put away for just admitting his attraction to children
113 votes
Not arrested, but he needs to have his name on a child sexual predator list
228 votes
Not sure
489 votes
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197 votes
Gibson and his wife, Tabitha have children and grandchildren, and he admits he has never had any feelings or problems with any of them. They have also had foster children, including one girl who claimed Gibson acted inappropriately with her when she was 10, but didn't remember the details. The claim was investigated, and Gibson was cleared of any charges, as nothing was found. Gibson even said he believes that the girl may have suffered some trauma at some point in her life, but he was not involved. In this case, with his admittance of these kinds of thoughts, who do you tend to believe?
235 votes
The foster daughter
277 votes
Not sure
1087 votes
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241 votes
Pedophilia is a disorder, and not a crime. If you do not act on your feelings, you have done nothing wrong. Agree or disagree?
Pedophilia is a disorder, and not a crime. If you do not act on your feelings, you have done nothing wrong. Agree or disagree?
598 votes
352 votes
Not sure
670 votes
Prefer not to answer
220 votes