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Results: Adult Cyber Bullying

Published on 08/05/2017
By: msrcms
“Cyber bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA).” Sometimes it involves high school kids teasing and bullying each other on Facebook. At other times it entails adults persecuting one another over political, religious, or other deeply held beliefs. It can take on a sadistic quality, in which the bully, not satisfied with merely humiliating his victim, seeks to torment his quarry to the point of self-destruction. “Cyber bullying, like traditional bullying, involves an imbalance of power, aggression, and a negative action that is often repeated.” Information provided by
Cyber bullying can take several forms, according to Violence Prevention. What facts are you familiar with (or aware of)?
Cyber bullying can take several forms, according to Violence Prevention. What facts are you familiar with (or aware of)?
Harassment: For example repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages.
737 votes
Denigration: For example posting derogatory information about someone, and/or digitally altered photos.
559 votes
Flaming: Fighting online, often using vulgar language.
439 votes
Impersonation: For example hacking an individual's email or social media to post embarrassing material.
509 votes
Outing and Trickery: For example sharing an individual's secrets or tricking someone into revealing embarrassing information.
431 votes
Cyber Stalking: Repeated threats or online activity that makes a person afraid for his/her safety.
590 votes
All of the above.
708 votes
N/A or I am unfamiliar with these facts.
318 votes
According to Violence Prevention, there are a number of common characteristics are identified in cyber bullies. What characteristics are you aware of (or familiar with)?
According to Violence Prevention, there are a number of common characteristics are identified in cyber bullies. What characteristics are you aware of (or familiar with)?
Anonymity: These bullies often cruise the Internet under pseudonyms, often the victim often does not know who is doing the bullying.
511 votes
Accessibility: The cyber bully can approach his victim at any time over the Internet. Since the contact is not physical or face-to-face there is no specific time during which the bully has access.
461 votes
Punitive Fears: Victims often fear retaliation from their tormentors. If the victim is a child, the fear of losing access to a computer or other technology may prevent them from seeking help or reporting the behavior.
321 votes
Dis-inhibition: The anonymity of the Internet can encourage an individual to commit acts they might not otherwise attempt in person. It affords false courage when the bully thinks he can't be identified.
325 votes
All of the above.
676 votes
N/A or I am unfamiliar with these facts.
440 votes
Internet Trolls: Adult cyber bullying often takes the form of "trolling." The word comes from a reference to the method of catching fish by casting a baited line in the water and waiting for a fish to bite. In the same sense, the Internet troll tries to catch an unsuspecting victim to demean and humiliate. Trolls are an annoying problem for those who use the Internet regularly. They are present on social media and in the comments sections of various websites, articles, blogs, and other online forums. Have you ever been a victim or know of someone that has dealt with (or is dealing with) an online troll?
Internet Trolls: Adult cyber bullying often takes the form of
I have been a victim.
115 votes
I know of someone that has dealt with (or is dealing with) an online troll.
255 votes
182 votes
1183 votes
If you have been or know of someone that is a victim, where did the online bullying/trolling occur?
If you have been or know of someone that is a victim, where did the online bullying/trolling occur?
Mobile phone
106 votes
Personal email
136 votes
Instant messaging
144 votes
Online polling sites
96 votes
98 votes
Chat rooms
116 votes
Social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect.)
280 votes
Online gaming sites
39 votes
Other (please specify)
14 votes
Not Applicable
1179 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.49% 5
school 0.10% 1
online dating sites 0.10% 1
forums 0.10% 1
forums, groups 0.10% 1
survey site 0.10% 1
online communities 0.10% 1
Tellwut 0.10% 1
courtroom 0.10% 1
Youtube 0.10% 1
There are several important steps to take when there is evidence of cyber bullying. It is critical to keep a record of the incidents and to save any texts or photos associated with it. It is also important to report the incident to the online service provider for the site on which the event occurred. Victims can also block the person who is harassing them. If the bullying seems to cross the line from harassment to criminal intent, then it is time to contact law enforcement. If violence is threatened or any sexually explicit material is received, or when there is stalking or an invasion of an individual's privacy, then the cyber bully has committed a crime and it should be investigated by the proper authorities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Being informed and knowing how to fight back is the only answer to eliminating this online threat?
There are several important steps to take when there is evidence of cyber bullying. It is critical to keep a record of the incidents and to save any texts or photos associated with it. It is also important to report the incident to the online service provider for the site on which the event occurred. Victims can also block the person who is harassing them. If the bullying seems to cross the line from harassment to criminal intent, then it is time to contact law enforcement. If violence is threatened or any sexually explicit material is received, or when there is stalking or an invasion of an individual's privacy, then the cyber bully has committed a crime and it should be investigated by the proper authorities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Being informed and knowing how to fight back is the only answer to eliminating this online threat?
871 votes
101 votes
320 votes
N/A or No Opinion
443 votes