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Results: Another way of living

Published on 01/13/2025
By: nicster1983
I don't know if it's because I started looking for healthy food options or because I simply got sucked into doom scrolling, but I came up recently against some interesting ways where one could make a living that's both cheaper (in the long run) and healthier. Let's see if anyone on Tellwut knows more and can advise.
When I hear people living off grid, my mind normally thinks of a hut in the middle of the forest without any of the basic comfort we got used to. Seems like technology really changed things and now, you can be off grid (or almost) and still have pretty much a normal lifestyle / decent comfort without much hassle.
Have you ever considered living off grid?
I am living off grid now.
49 votes
I'm almost off grid now.
90 votes
I'm considering it, but lack the funds.
185 votes
I'm thinking about it, but more like a concept and not like a plan
258 votes
I'm considering it just because it's too expensive currently.
129 votes
No, I don't want that.
776 votes
Never crossed my mind.
512 votes
Other (please specify)
34 votes
Not Applicable
467 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.64% 13
I did it for a while. These's days it's better than what I did, but is costly to get started. 0.05% 1
I have done so in the past 0.05% 1
Part time in my RV 0.05% 1
I used to live off the grid 0.05% 1
I know a millionaire who does this with her extra home in rural Spain. 0.05% 1
I'd love to but my physical condition would make living there difficult for me. 0.05% 1
I've fantasized about it. 0.05% 1
It has crossed my mind and have tried it for a month or so. I came back to civilization. 0.05% 1
Did it in Mexico for 6 months. It was horrible. 0.05% 1
I'm too old for that now but in my youth I spent a lot of time off the grid. 0.05% 1
At 81 Is could not sustain myself 0.05% 1
I wish I could, but I am an elder and lack the physical capabilities to live off grid. 0.05% 1
It's all I think about. lol 0.05% 1
I've considered it, but only as a last resort. 0.05% 1
own a condo 0.05% 1
We considered it years ago 0.05% 1
Have done so in the past 0.05% 1
I lived off grid four years in Kentucky.I regained some health before begining caretaker work that almost killed me. 0.05% 1
been there, done that, 2 winters in a tent 0.05% 1
it's the way we grow up 0.05% 1
I did it in my RV for a few years but this assumes your heating works when you need it. Ours didn't. 0.05% 1
Electricity can power most of the lifestyle we have now: heating/cooling, cooking, lighting, transportation, entertainment...

Internet is now also an option in remote areas thanks to Starklink. This can help power a revenue stream by being able to work remotely, or open social media that can generate $$$ through content about your lifestyle / hobbies.

Have you ever thought that living off grid can actually be comfortable?
589 votes
1009 votes
446 votes
Not Applicable
456 votes
Food is a big thing. While generating electricity can be done automatically (solar, wind, water, geo....), food production to become self sufficient is not easy. You basically need to know how to do gardening, raise animals and well... get everything prepared from scratch, while ensuring nothing dies in the process.
Vertical farming, Hydroponic farming, Aero & Aquaponics, Closed system greenhouses... there are really good ways to grow food with less work, to the point where you can fully automate it. Sure, it's only for some crops and the more you automate the more expensive it gets, but... it is becoming an option.
Animals however still require a lot of attention so not sure how that can become hassle free.

Are you aware of the fact that food production can be automated?
901 votes
703 votes
437 votes
Not Applicable
459 votes
Given that there is still a need for a great deal of effort in running an off-grid self-sustaining property, there are a lot of people who started building communities. They share resources and of course, share in the work. The main benefit is that if you're sick or something, the community doesn't suffer and is able to pick up the slack until you're there for them. Of course, it also helps if different members of these communities know different things so that each person's skills adds to the community without any one member needing to know everything.

Would you...
Consider going off grid by myself (i.e. just my family)?
235 votes
Consider going off grid in a community?
259 votes
Start a for profit farm and basically have what the community offers but also make a buck off it?
122 votes
Prefer continuing living the way you are now?
1008 votes
Other (please specify)
23 votes
Not Applicable
853 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.79% 13
not sure 0.12% 2
become independent after winning at least 1 million dollars in a lottery 0.06% 1
Practically, my health now prevents an off-grid existence, but I had made a few purchases years ago with that in mind. 0.06% 1
Either one or two 0.06% 1
I am a senior there are considerations needed 0.06% 1
Look into it 0.06% 1
too old for that now 0.06% 1
If Kamala won I would have had to consider this extreme living. Dodged a bulet. 0.06% 1
turn off the lights when you leave the room 0.06% 1
If you're around retirement age (or well passed this), would you consider a retirement community where you could (not should - just could) do gardening, take care of farm animals... all in the name of having activities / keep you active?
Yes, I'd love that
488 votes
Yes, but I don't think I could do much given my condition
194 votes
I'd love to just watch, but not do (live in that environment, but not really do anything).
114 votes
No, it doesn't sound appealing
364 votes
No, for other reasons
130 votes
I'd rather live at home
460 votes
I'm not in that age category
147 votes
Not Applicable
603 votes