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Results: Pesach Sameach -- Happy Passover!

Published on 04/01/2017
By: Harriet56
Passover, or Pesach, as it is also called, starts tonight at sundown (April 10) and Jewish families all over the world will be celebrating for the next week. Do you celebrate Passover?
Passover, or Pesach, as it is also called, starts tonight at sundown (April 10) and Jewish families all over the world will be celebrating for the next week. Do you celebrate Passover?
231 votes
2025 votes
How familiar are you with the traditions of Passover...I know some of you will be very familiar, probably much more versed in it than me, and some will have basic knowledge from a friend, or even the movie The Ten Commandments. For all of you, both knowledgeable and not, which of these did you know already?
How familiar are you with the traditions of Passover...I know some of you will be very familiar, probably much more versed in it than me, and some will have basic knowledge from a friend, or even the movie The Ten Commandments. For all of you, both knowledgeable and not, which of these did you know already?
Passover is one of the most commonly observed Jewish holidays, even by otherwise non-observant Jews.
800 votes
Probably the most significant observance involves avoiding chametz (leaven) so nothing from five major grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats and spelt) that has not been completely cooked within 18 minutes after first coming into contact with water.
342 votes
The traditional substitute for chametz is matzah which is an unleavened cracker and can be used as a substitute for flour in baking and cooking
404 votes
Before the holiday, homes are cleaned out of all chametz in preparation, accompanied by spring cleaning
257 votes
The traditional dinners (sedars) are held on the first two nights (or sometimes only one if you are in Israel) and ushers in the holiday
277 votes
The sedar, which means 'order' is a special family meal filled with ritual to remind us of the significance of the holiday.
349 votes
The text of the seder is written in a book called the haggadah. The haggadah tells the story of the Exodus from Egypt and explains some of the practices and symbols of the holiday
214 votes
This holiday is a Time of Our Freedom, with many joyous songs sung during the seder.
198 votes
Knew all of these
166 votes
Knew none
1116 votes
The sedar plate which is a big part of the dinner ritual includes foods representative of very specific things. How many of these did you hear about?
The sedar plate which is a big part of the dinner ritual includes foods representative of very specific things. How many of these did you hear about?
Karpas -- green leafy vegetable, usually pasley, which represents the initial flourishing of the Israelites during the first years in Egypt and also springtime
177 votes
Haroset -- mix of fruits, wine or honey, and nuts symbolizes the mortar that the Israelite slaves used to construct buildings for Pharaoh.
210 votes
Maror -- bitter herb, usually horseradish allows us to taste the bitterness of slavery
226 votes
Z'roa -- roasted lamb shank bone that symbolizes the lamb that Jews sacrificed as the special Passover offering when the Temple stood in Jerusalem.
183 votes
Beitzah --roasted or hard-boiled egg that symbolizes the hagigah sacrifice, which would be offered on every holiday (including Passover) when the Temple stood. The roundness of the egg also represents the cycle of life
169 votes
Some also include a second bitter herb and salt water but not all
106 votes
Knew all of these
168 votes
Knew none of these
1651 votes
The story of Passover is one of the most famous stories, known by both Jews and many non Jews alike. Are you familiar with the story, and have you seen any of these movies or TV shows which either retell the story or touch on the holiday?
The story of Passover is one of the most famous stories, known by both Jews and many non Jews alike. Are you familiar with the story, and have you seen any of these movies or TV shows which either retell the story or touch on the holiday?
Familiar with the story
586 votes
Not familiar with the story
186 votes
The Ten Commandments (original with Charlton Heston)
791 votes
The Prince Of Egypt
386 votes
A Rugrats Passover
108 votes
Curb Your Enthusiasm -- The Sedar
69 votes
Crimes & Misdemeanors
50 votes
HBO's High Maintenance -- Elijah
31 votes
Exodus: Gods and Kings
203 votes
Saturday Night Live --Elijah the Prophet at a Seder
52 votes
The Animated Haggadah
20 votes
Shalom Sesame: It's Passover, Grover!
25 votes
I have not heard or seen any of these
840 votes
So, even you who know everything about the holiday of Passover may not know some of these fun and interesting facts. How many did you know?
So, even you who know everything about the holiday of Passover may not know some of these fun and interesting facts. How many did you know?
'Dayenu' is often sung during the seder, but Sephardic Jews from Iran and Afghanistan have a particularly lively custom in which they whip each other with oversize scallions.
108 votes
In the Polish town of Gora Kalwaria, Hasidic Jews mark Passover by re-enacting the crossing of the Red Sea. To make it as realistic as they can, they pour water on the floor, lift up their coats and recite the names of the towns they would cross. They also make sure to raise a glass at each mention of a town and offer thanks to God for being able to reach their destination.
130 votes
During Passover, to commemorate their past and celebrate renewal, some Ethiopian Jews break all their dishes and cookware and make new ones. The tradition is in keeping with the hope for emancipation and redemption that the holiday signifies.
173 votes
There are thousands of Haggadoth available, and are bound to be some you're not familiar with--Interfaith, lesbian, secular/humanistic, vegetarian and for a recovering alcoholic
95 votes
An orange has been introduced on some sedar plates as a gesture of solidarity with Jewish lesbians and gay men, and others who are marginalized within the Jewish community, including widows.
72 votes
Knew none of these
1880 votes