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Neighbor's Cat

Published on 09/13/2024
By: nicster1983
This survey looks for cat trouble.
1. I love cats, but I'm allergic. Within moments of being around one, my eyes turn red and my breathing is impaired. Stay too long around one, and I'd have serious issues with cats. Are you allergic to cats?
2. My wife has no issues with allergies so for her, having a cat is like a childhood dream! I'm the obstacle in this fantasy (sorry, but I really like living!!!). At one point we found 3 kittens just born and abandoned by their mom in our backyard. After serious objections, I got onboard with the idea that it's ok to adopt them. If it got to the point where I couldn't handle it anymore, we would give the cats away, but saving newborn kittens was the right thing to do. We tried - got vets involved, bought some stuff for kittens but eventually they all died. It was heartbreaking moments... really tried taking care of those kittens and that required round the clock attention. Did you ever take care of newborn kittens?
3. After that experience, my wife and I agreed never to have a cat. Well, at least in the near/mid future anyway. As luck would have it, however... a cat found us. It somehow likes me more in spite of my efforts to stay as far as possible from it, but he's cute. We don't know who's cat it is, but know for sure it's a neighbour's cat because of the collar. W don't know it's real name, but my wife calls him "Bulat" (which in her native language means "round") because he's pretty fat. He seems to respond well to the name. LOL Have you ever had a neighbor's pet "trespass"?
After that experience, my wife and I agreed never to have a cat. Well, at least in the near/mid future anyway. As luck would have it, however... a cat found us. It somehow likes me more in spite of my efforts to stay as far as possible from it, but he's cute. We don't know who's cat it is, but know for sure it's a neighbour's cat because of the collar. W don't know it's real name, but my wife calls him
4. Bulat has a schedule he rarely misses. Around 7 to 8 am he comes by for his daily "petting". He knows around that time my wife leaves to work and catches her a bit before getting comfortable by entering my house and asking to be pet. I have a large supply of anti-allergy pills so I know now that's my "job". I work from home so he does get attention... most of the time. Weirdly enough, the cat never comes during weekends. If I have to guess, the owner leaves for work and the cat looks for attention elsewhere. What would you do in this situation?
Bulat has a schedule he rarely misses. Around 7 to 8 am he comes by for his daily
5. Weirdly enough, this cat is not into catnip. Let me know in the comments what else I can use to see this guy go wild! Have you ever bought stuff for someone else's pets?