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Results: 100-year-old light bulb found and it still works

Published on 04/15/2017
By: msrcms
YORK, Pa. - A bulb that may have been burning since the early 1900s has been discovered glowing dimly in the basement of the Fire Museum of York County. Dennis Kunkle, director of facilities for the York County History Center, sent pictures and a description of the old bulb to an antique radio forum, which told him about the origin of the dual filament bulb. What facts are you familiar with?
YORK, Pa. - A bulb that may have been burning since the early 1900s has been discovered glowing dimly in the basement of the Fire Museum of York County. Dennis Kunkle, director of facilities for the York County History Center, sent pictures and a description of the old bulb to an antique radio forum, which told him about the origin of the dual filament bulb. What facts are you familiar with?
The Phelps HYLO, "HIGH-LOW" bulb was patented in 1904.
65 votes
The bulb was designed to save electricity.
110 votes
According to a period advertisement: "One cent will buy electricity enough to run a HYLO turned down for 12 hours."
65 votes
It is a lamp which will give you either a 16 candle power light or a 1 candle power light, without any waste of current by simply turning down as easily as turning down a gas jet." This is in reference to gas lighting, popular around 1900.
71 votes
Observing the bulb in operation, low is indeed equal to the light of one candle.
66 votes
A flexible contact on the base of the bulb allows the second filament to be turned on by screwing it in a little tighter.
39 votes
The smoky coating inside the bulb indicates that it probably contains carbon filaments. Carbon filaments were replaced with tungsten in light bulbs after about 1920.
56 votes
I know all of these facts.
65 votes
N/A or I am unfamiliar with all of these facts.
1242 votes
Dennis Kunkle can't say for certain how long the bulb has been operating in the basement of the fire museum, but since the building was built in 1903, it is possible that the bulb has been with the building since the beginning. Are you surprised to read that the 100-year-old light bulb still works?
Dennis Kunkle can't say for certain how long the bulb has been operating in the basement of the fire museum, but since the building was built in 1903, it is possible that the bulb has been with the building since the beginning. Are you surprised to read that the 100-year-old light bulb still works?
1064 votes
531 votes
The bulb was removed from the basement socket of the fire museum this week and added to the York County History Center collection. Are you in agreement with the light bulb being added to the New York History Center collection.
The bulb was removed from the basement socket of the fire museum this week and added to the York County History Center collection. Are you in agreement with the light bulb being added to the New York History Center collection.
1165 votes
430 votes
How long does a light bulb stay lit (aka lasts) in your home, garage, ect.?
How long does a light bulb stay lit (aka lasts) in your home, garage, ect.?
1 to 3 months.
115 votes
3 to 6 months.
241 votes
Longer then 6 months.
387 votes
Almost a year.
436 votes
326 votes
Other (please specify)
90 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
1.13% 18
years 0.38% 6
Longer than a year 0.19% 3
not sure 0.19% 3
Depends 0.13% 2
no idea 0.13% 2
More than a year 0.13% 2
several years 0.13% 2
Over a year 0.13% 2
don't know 0.13% 2
over a year since they have a guarantee or over 2 years 0.06% 1
a long time 0.06% 1
longer than a year! But, we're in the process of replacing them with LED lights. 0.06% 1
I have one or two that are still going after 3 years 0.06% 1
????????????????????? 0.06% 1
longer than 3 years 0.06% 1
2-3 years. 0.06% 1
Very very long.....longer than a year for sure--much longer 0.06% 1
it varies widely 0.06% 1
longer than a year for most 0.06% 1
never paid attention, change when bulb is out. 0.06% 1
way longer than a year! 0.06% 1
It depends on how often I turn it on. Some have lasted decades. 0.06% 1
I've switched to LEDs 0.06% 1
4 years 0.06% 1
I have had one bulb for about 25 years - but it does not stay lit all the time 0.06% 1
more then a year 0.06% 1
Depends on how much use it gets 0.06% 1
5 + yers 0.06% 1
unsure 0.06% 1
10 years ,special bulbs throw no heat. 0.06% 1
It depends on the type of bulb 0.06% 1
Don't know--I've replaced all bulbs with LEDs and none of them have burnt out yet 0.06% 1
depends where in the home 0.06% 1
3-5 years 0.06% 1
longer than 1 year, sometimes 2 or 3 years 0.06% 1
Just depends on thebrand 0.06% 1
A long time! 0.06% 1
It depends. 0.06% 1
I'm not sure. 0.06% 1
Depends on location, some seem to last a long time, others burn out in a few months. 0.06% 1
until it burns out 0.06% 1
Ob 0.06% 1
We use long life lightbulbs 0.06% 1
usually last umtil someone physically breaaks it 0.06% 1
longer, I use LED's 0.06% 1
Over 5 years. 0.06% 1
at least 3 years since we use LEDs 0.06% 1
longer than a year, for sure 0.06% 1
Iswitched to CFLs when I bought house in 1998; only 3 have burned out as of now. 0.06% 1
they have all been replaced by led bulbs so last much longer than that 0.06% 1
longer than a year dont know 0.06% 1
7 years 0.06% 1
do not know, it depends on how often I turn it on 0.06% 1
Two to three years. 0.06% 1
I don't know 0.06% 1
5 yes or more 0.06% 1
IDK 0.06% 1