2. Paraguay has the cleanest power grid in the world, achieving a 100 percent clean electricity supply from hydro power in 2024. Iceland uses geo-thermal. Whether it is geo-thermal, hydro, solar, tidal , or any other source the US can use it since it has the resources - Canada too. We don't have to take the drastic measures other countries do. Rather than fly staff from every country on the planet to a climate convention, send a documentary crew to countries with clean energy, record what they are doing, and send everyone a copy of the video. Does this make more sense?
3. Questions #1 and #2 could have a big impact. Meanwhile we individually can make smaller but cumulatively just as important changes. First lets consider which home appliances use the most electricity? Heating and cooling: 45-50% Water heater: 12% ... Lighting: 9-12% ... Refrigerator: 8% ... Washer and dryer: 5% ... Electric oven: 3% ... Dishwasher: 2% ... TV and cable box: 2% Which of these can you have an impact on (if you have not already done this)?
4. You might be wondering "Does unplugging appliances save electricity?" Here are some aspects of that. Which were you aware of?
5. You may also be wondering "Should I replace that old fridge, TV, stove, laundry appliance etc if it is still working well?" Which of these factors might apply to you?
6. You might still have an old TV and be wondering if you should switch to an LCD one. Here are some things to consider. Which of them might apply to you?