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Results: Calling All Boomers... (Part 1 of 4)

Published on 03/03/2022
By: sarahzahm
The gigantic generation known as the baby boom, whose members were born between mid-1946 and mid-1964, has had an outsized effect on everything from music to movies to real estate. While reading an article on "things most Baby Boomers will remember" I actually found myself remembering a lot of these things and I'm not considered to be a Boomer. Curious as to how many of you will remember these things!
To start this series off please answer whether you're technically a Boomer. Were you born between mid-1946 and mid-1964?
To start this series off please answer whether you're technically a Boomer. Were you born between mid-1946 and mid-1964?
1312 votes
1088 votes
Test patterns - Now, you can watch TV 24 hours a day, switching from specialty sports channels to all-news channels to movies. But back in the 1950's and 1960's, TV stations would sign off each day at a certain hour, often after playing the national anthem. Then the TV screen would switch to a test pattern that showed the transmitter was active, but no programming was planned, which was often accompanied by a staticky sound or simple music. Maybe it was a reminder we could still use today: At some point, turn off the set and catch those ZZZs. Do you remember test patterns?
Test patterns - Now, you can watch TV 24 hours a day, switching from specialty sports channels to all-news channels to movies. But back in the 1950's and 1960's, TV stations would sign off each day at a certain hour, often after playing the national anthem. Then the TV screen would switch to a test pattern that showed the transmitter was active, but no programming was planned, which was often accompanied by a staticky sound or simple music. Maybe it was a reminder we could still use today: At some point, turn off the set and catch those ZZZs. Do you remember test patterns?
Yes, I'm a Boomer
1220 votes
Yes, but I'm NOT a Boomer
502 votes
678 votes
Milk delivery - According to USDA agricultural surveys, about 30% of milk was still delivered to homes in the 1960's, when boomers were pouring it on their Froot Loops and using it to wash down their PBJ's. Milkmen (sometimes women) had regular routes, and they delivered cream and other dairy products as well. Sure, some specialty dairies still do home delivery today, but the days when every home had a milkman are udderly lost. Have you ever had milk delivered?
Milk delivery - According to USDA agricultural surveys, about 30% of milk was still delivered to homes in the 1960's, when boomers were pouring it on their Froot Loops and using it to wash down their PBJ's. Milkmen (sometimes women) had regular routes, and they delivered cream and other dairy products as well. Sure, some specialty dairies still do home delivery today, but the days when every home had a milkman are udderly lost. Have you ever had milk delivered?
Yes, I'm a Boomer
939 votes
Yes, but I'm NOT a Boomer
356 votes
1105 votes
Beatlemania - Is there a more famous group of names than John, Paul, George and Ringo? In 1964, when the oldest boomers were teens and the youngest still arriving on the scene, the Beatles played on "The Ed Sullivan Show" and ecstatic teen screams could be heard from New York to New Mexico. Beatles fans haven't been able to "Let It Be" ever since. Are you a fan of The Beatles?
Beatlemania - Is there a more famous group of names than John, Paul, George and Ringo? In 1964, when the oldest boomers were teens and the youngest still arriving on the scene, the Beatles played on
Yes, I'm a Boomer
1099 votes
Yes, but I'm NOT a Boomer
500 votes
801 votes