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Results: Here is a second helping of lo-cal and interesting tidbits from my trivia kitchen.

Published on 01/11/2025
By: DavKar
I have mentioned my love of the TV show "QI" (Quite Interesting), I enjoy new and interesting facts from wherever I find them. Here are some I found recently and I hope you enjoy finding out about them too.
There was a recent survey about an increase in the global population and some people became concerned about it. I wasn't one of them. There seems to be a link between poverty and population growth. Countries with affluence like Canada and the US have population growth from immigration from poor countries with population overgrowth and political instability (see illustration). Here are some reasons why it is more likely the world population will stabilize in the near future. Which of them do you agree with?
There was a recent survey about an increase in the global population and some people became concerned about it. I wasn't one of them. There seems to be a link between poverty and population growth. Countries with affluence like Canada and the US have population growth from immigration from poor countries with population overgrowth and political instability (see illustration). Here are some reasons why it is more likely the world population will stabilize in the near future. Which of them do you agree with?
Countries that manage to develop a vibrant middle class with families that educate their children to become doctors, lawyers, civil servants, business owners etc, tend to have smaller families (they can't afford to have big ones).
477 votes
Countries that develop a democratic style of government need a civil service to run it and social programs to look after its citizens. This needs tax revenue and paying taxes also makes a large family less economically feasible.
390 votes
Countries that do the things outlined in the previous two options also develop a much healthier population with fewer illnesses, fewer deaths through civil unrest, military action and hazardous work conditions. There is less pressure to have big families in this scenario.
454 votes
While it may seem like the population is expanding at a breakneck speed, annual growth rates have actually been on the decline since the 1960s. The United Nations expects the population to stabilize around 10.4 billion and even start declining again around 2086.
343 votes
Other (please specify)
23 votes
Not Applicable
1001 votes
I was raised in poverty in a house with 4 kids. My siblings and I did reasonably well financially and each had (only) 2 children with one of them having no children at all. How about you?
  • Great
  • No
  • My family was poor and I had 2 children. Between the four of us kids we produced just 6 children.
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.59% 10
unsure 0.12% 2
The current world population is around 6 billion because nearly 3 billion have died from the illegal shots . 0.06% 1
no clue 0.06% 1
I have no idea 0.06% 1
Sigmoidal growth curve of biological populations including the huma species. 0.06% 1
See below 0.06% 1
countries that rely on manual labour for farming often have large families so the chance of getting a male baby are better 0.06% 1
All of these. 0.06% 1
Let's define "immigration" first. To me it is an illegal move to a count4ry where YOU have chosen to become an invader. 0.06% 1
none of the above 0.06% 1
Agree with Bill Gates "If we do a really great job on new vaccines, we could lower population by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent." 0.06% 1
New laws and policies will eventually make chaotic changes in people s lives 0.06% 1
I have an issue with one of the questions that pops up regularly in surveys we do. It is the one about our ethnic or cultural background. Often we have white, black and Caucasian as some of our choices. If possible I will always answer "mixed" because that is more accurate than the options given. Here are some of the reasons for this. Which were you aware of? My reasoning is simple. Fossil evidence, along with genetic analysis, points to one Northeast African country as the starting point for human evolution.
I have an issue with one of the questions that pops up regularly in surveys we do. It is the one about our ethnic or cultural background. Often we have white, black and Caucasian as some of our choices. If possible I will always answer
Fossil evidence, along with genetic analysis, points to one Northeast African country as the starting point for human evolution.
299 votes
Genetic research plus a surge in genomic data collection has gathered information from hundreds of thousands of individuals, spanning both modern populations and ancient lineages. One source is Ancestry and other DNA gathering tools.
376 votes
Such data offers opportunities to unravel the origins of human genetic diversity and move toward the creation of a global map of human genealogy.
317 votes
The very earliest ancestors we identify trace back in time to a geographic location that is in modern Sudan up to and over 1 million years ago.
233 votes
Other (please specify)
26 votes
Not Applicable
1222 votes
The terms black and white are merely adjectives to describe a persons skin color but they do not denote a race or culture any more than yellow does. What are your thoughts about this?
  • There is but one race: of people humanity.
  • It s always will be
  • People are people. We all bleed red.
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.72% 9
My DNA shows zero African or black , so all white European 0.08% 1
Samples are still too small. 0.08% 1
I find these facts can be contested- there must be other proofs found in expert truths from life s beginnings to present times 0.08% 1
none of the above 0.08% 1
I just concentrate on my own ethnicity. 0.08% 1
Probably all true - again. But, when the question gets asked, itis probably referring to recent history, like your grandparents. However, I always object to "White" as heritage. "Caucasian" comes closer. 0.08% 1
Please see answer below. 0.08% 1
I always choose white but my great grandma and grandpa was born and raised in Germany on my dads side and my mom's side was born and raised in the UK. 0.08% 1
we have 1% neanderthal genes too 0.08% 1
Humans didn't evolve and surely aren't doing so now, but NE Africa's a reasonable location for what was Eden. 0.08% 1
All people come from Adam & Eve around 6000 years when it all began we are all from Adam & Eve. 0.08% 1
I often do not especially like Caucasian, since I'm 99.9% Irish. But I DO think of myself as White. 0.08% 1
not worth my time 0.08% 1
Not true 0.08% 1
Evolution is fiction only God's Word is true!!! 0.08% 1
I think you're looking too far back.... 0.08% 1
unsure 0.08% 1
Aging doesn't flow at such a uniform speed. Instead, humans age in fits and starts a 2024 Stanford University study shows. Here are some more interesting aspects of the ageing process. Which of them were you aware of?
Aging doesn't flow at such a uniform speed. Instead, humans age in fits and starts a 2024 Stanford University study shows. Here are some more interesting aspects of the ageing process. Which of them were you aware of?
Our bodies age more rapidly in our mid-40s and early 60s with rapid aging in the mid-40s. At first, scientists theorized that menopause or perimenopause could be playing a role in these changes, but they found the changes impacted men just as much as women.
449 votes
A lifetime of healthy eating, exercise, and plentiful sleep can curtail some of the effects of these periods of aging, so it may be worth paying extra close attention to your health when those milestones arrive (and die of boredom?).
689 votes
Estimated number of centenarians in the U.S. in 2024 was over 101,000
166 votes
The global market for anti aging products in 2024 was $73 billion (I am surprised it was so low).
163 votes
Paul McCartney's age when he wrote the melody for "When I'm Sixty-Four" was 15. At that age and in those times, age 64 was really old. Today's equivalent would probably be 74.
294 votes
Other (please specify)
15 votes
Not Applicable
936 votes
When you look in the mirror do you look older or younger than your actual age?
  • Younger
  • Older
  • older. I had a lot of fun when I was younger.
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.28% 5
unsure 0.06% 1
Paul is dead. 0.06% 1
I am 75 and feel like 15. I exercise daily and walk 2-3 miles to our local parks and back every day weather permitting. How many other 785 years youngs can make these claims I wonder? 0.06% 1
none 0.06% 1
my rapid aging came after age 75 0.06% 1
See below 0.06% 1
noth ing garuntes how long were will be here 0.06% 1
I'm at an age where 'who cares?' Prevails. 0.06% 1
none of the above 0.06% 1
Being fit, healthy with good attitudes and spirit of survival, and education with intelligence in life will let you live longer 0.06% 1
Many of the earliest flight attendants were nurses. The earliest commercial airlines equipped with flight attendants required this. Here are some additional facts about this subject. Which do you find interesting?
Many of the earliest flight attendants were nurses. The earliest commercial airlines equipped with flight attendants required this. Here are some additional facts about this subject. Which do you find interesting?
The first flight attendants to board U.S. commercial flights were led by Ellen Church, a nurse who was also a licensed aviator. She was unable to find work as a pilot due to gender discrimination
445 votes
Church found another way into the sky by pitching airlines the concept of the "flight stewardess," who could use her nursing skills to aid sick or injured passengers while also easing nerves at a time when flying was still somewhat dangerous and often uncomfortable for passengers.
405 votes
Boeing Air Transport tested Church's idea in May 1930, hiring Church and seven other nurses for flights between San Francisco and Chicago (with 13 stops in between). In air, the attendants were tasked with serving meals, cleaning the plane's interior, securing the seats to the floor, and even keeping passengers from accidentally opening the emergency exit door.
361 votes
After a successful three-month stint, other airlines picked up Church's idea, putting out calls for nurses in their early 20s to join the first flight crews — standard requirements until World War II, when nurses overwhelmingly joined the war effort, leaving room for more women of all backgrounds to enter the aviation field.
335 votes
My own mother who was a registered nurse, applied to be a flight attendant but was rejected because she was married with children.
156 votes
Other (please specify)
20 votes
Not Applicable
1174 votes
What do you think about the job of a flight attendant?
  • It still serves a purpose, I'd suppose.
  • Wonderful
  • I say I am happy to see them when ever I got on a plane for a trip, they are really great!
Other Answers Percentage Votes
0.70% 12
unsure 0.06% 1
One of my Mom's best friends became a flight attendant, and died in a plane crash. 0.06% 1
They used to have doctors and nurses on duty at WEm Castle horror films to deal with heart attacks when the spooky stuff in the theatre like random electric seat shocks and skeletons that shot through the audience! 0.06% 1
stewardesses were required to be single, below a certain weight, and above a certain height 0.06% 1
It used to be a glamorous occupation. 0.06% 1
What's to disagree with. 0.06% 1
no 0.06% 1
No serious health disease was a requirement 0.06% 1