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Results: Canada's Majestic Beaver Celebrates 40 Years As Canada's Official Emblem

Published on 03/29/2015
By: Harriet56
The iconic dam-builder first gained status as an official emblem of Canada on March 25, 1975 after a bill was passed by the Canadian Senate. The beaver has adorned our Canadian nickel since 1937, and is as synonymous with our nation as the maple leaf. Do you like the beaver as our official symbol of Canada?
The iconic dam-builder first gained status as an official emblem of Canada on March 25, 1975 after a bill was passed by the Canadian Senate. The beaver has adorned our Canadian nickel since 1937, and is as synonymous with our nation as the maple leaf. Do you like the beaver as our official symbol of Canada?
420 votes
No, would prefer something else
103 votes
Not sure/no opinion
183 votes
I'm American/other
725 votes
Other (please specify)
4 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
n/a 0.07% 1
i prefer the symbol by which we are known - the maple leaf 0.07% 1
don't care 0.07% 1
0.07% 1
How many of these interesting facts about the beaver are you familiar with?
Beavers use goggles too! Beavers possess a set of transparent eyelids which enable them to see under water.
177 votes
Beavers are second only to humans in their ability to manipulate their environment - the largest dam in existence is located in Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta, Canada. It stretches for 850m, and is visible from space.
256 votes
Beavers homes, called lodges, are domelike constructions built from branches and mud. They are positioned in open water for protection from predators and have underwater entrance holes.
551 votes
Beavers don’t mind the cold, they can be seen active throughout winter and maintain use of their ponds even when covered with a layer of ice.
305 votes
Beavers are among the largest rodents on earth. Their large rodent teeth never stop growing. The beavers constant gnawing on wood keeps their teeth from growing too long.
434 votes
Beavers have been known to share their lodges with families of muskrats
94 votes
Beavers are good house guests. Their lodges typically contain two dens, one for drying off after entering the lodge under water, and a second, dryer den where the family will live and socialise.
128 votes
Beavers use their broad, stiff tails like rudders to steer under water, and for balance while sitting on land. They also use their tails to slap the water as a warning of danger, or a warning to keep away
423 votes
Knew all these facts
124 votes
Didn't know any of these facts
566 votes
Debate over whether the beaver should remain the symbol of Canada often says that this furry mammal is out-of-date as our symbol, and should be replaced by something more majestic or representative of Canada. Do you agree or disagree?
No, keep the beaver!
454 votes
Yes, replace it with some other animal
79 votes
No opinion
217 votes
I'm American/other/doesn't affect me
680 votes
Other (please specify)
5 votes
Other Answers Percentage Votes
im american but i say keep te beaver, its cute 0.07% 1
time for a new symbol. 0.07% 1
maple leaf is our symbol 0.07% 1
i'm really not sure. i fly the canada flag everyday, and i'm very proud to be canadian, but it would depend on what other choices were available....a moose? a blue heron? what? 0.07% 1
prefer the keep them for my lunch 0.07% 1